Challenge 22 Gallery: Found

Some of the best things in life are impossible to define. Our attempts to explain them usually fall short and can even cause harm, like cutting a tree down to count its rings. The meaning of the best works of art is often the most elusive. Sure, we can break it down into color theory, composition, rule of thirds, and subject matter, but it all falls short. For the best artworks make us feel and think. They captivate and take our breath away. And it is that unforgettable and unexplainable work of art that is the most gratifying to create.

And the most challenging.

The visual poetry that we create each week here is challenging. But some of you make it look easy.

Before we get to our gallery, the prompt for next week is “flight.” Make of it what you will.

Challenge 22 Gallery: Found

by Charolotte Caxton

Single Frame Story 22 found

by Shockwave Plasma

Henry's Calling

“Henry’s Story” by Felicity Francois

“Hosoi Ichiba found, then lost never to be found again” by Stone Semyorka

by DrFran Babcock

by Kandinsky Beaumont

“I think I’ve found the key out of hell.” by Randall Ahern


“Found!” by Bean Melnik / Cady Everdeen


“Found?” by Bean Melnik / Cady Everdeen

found enlightenment

“found enlightenment” by Mira Karu


by Aequitas Aequitas

Single Frame Stories - Found
‘Mom … Look what I found’
The little boy beamed.
by Mayala Loon

Single frame stories 22: Found! "hunny I found our home!"

“hunny I found our home!” by Cherry 108

found 2

“Found 1 & 2” by Botgirl Questi

A Quiet Place (Single Frame Stories Challenge)
A Quiet Place by Whiskey Monday

This entry was posted by Whiskey Day.

2 thoughts on “Challenge 22 Gallery: Found

  1. Pingback: A Quiet Place (Single Frame Stories Challenge) « Whiskey Shots

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